Mayday Float

As our June newsletter states, every year we wait with baited breath for the Mayday theme to be announced. Every year our journey to the Mayday parade is very similar. First the theme itself, next library books and photos to stimulate the children's ideas! Together the teachers and children work on their chosen concepts, this year being: helmets, jewellery and shields. Occationally a teacher will get swept away with the theme and arrive at the Centre with an artistic float decoration for the children to work on, this year being the "dragon maidenhead". From there the parents step in and sometimes make their own costumes and help the night before decorating and organizing  the float for the big day!
Here is where each year differs greatly, of course, depending on the theme! Well "The Ways of the Vikings" certainly resonated with the children as they won first prize on the big day! Congratulation to all of the contributors, especially the children!


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