School Age Programs
Wonderful Leaf
Ages 5 – 7
2:30 pm until 5:30 pm, Tuesday thru Thursday
Wonderful leaf is our program for kindergarten and grade 1 children and is outdoor based. The program has a home base on the back deck of the preschool building with access to an indoor space in the lower building when needed during extreme weather conditions.
The surrounding forest and the trails of Blenkin Park are the classroom for these children.
This rich child-led program aims to foster our connection to the natural world around us. We guide the children’s interests through the changing of seasons focusing on nature connectedness and awareness.
Programming is provided including:
Scavenger hunts
Survival skills
Nature based games and art
Fire pit safety, charcoal making
Paper and paint making
Plant, tree and fungus identification
And much, much more!
Quadra Kids
Ages 7 – 11
2:30 pm until 5:30 pm, Monday thru Friday
Quadra Kids is our school-age program that runs throughout the school year. This program operates out of a brand new facility at Quadra Elementary School . Additional full-days are provided on Professional Development Days as well as throughout Winter and Spring Breaks.
Programming is provided including:
Sports: Soccer, hockey, badminton, capture-the-flag, scavenger hunts
Field trips to community bike park, skate park, tennis courts, pickle ball
Performing Arts: music, dance, theatre
Creative Arts: painting, drawing, sewing, collage, modelling clay, wood working, carving, and more
Cooking and baking
Toys: Lego, Kinects, fort building and more
Many other play enhancing materials and opportunities.

Community Culture
The program has a strong commitment to supporting the principles of respect, responsibility, and community building through child-led activities. We nurture the ideas of the child and group through supporting their interests and providing an enriching environment. Exploration and learning are sought in long term group projects in which the children come up with an idea and together as a group the project will be created over the course of weeks or months. Past projects have included growing gardens, making a pond, building volcanoes and creating a magical outdoor fairy world.
Joining Our School-Age Programs
If you will be registering your child for our school-age program please take a moment to read the important documents posted below.
Contains Information and Policies regarding:
Our Mission/ Vision
Our Image of the Child/Our Image of the Educator
What do we do? Living Together Principals
Operational Procedures
Guidance and Discipline Policies
Physical Care Policies
"Open Door" Communication Policy
Family Participation
Effective December 1/2022 we became a $10 a Day ChildCare Centre. Please follow this link for details.