Fire Hall Field Trip
Field trips are part of our programming, the field trip to the fire hall was planned to support the children’s initial interest in firefighting. It allowed the children to see what they had imagined and play acted at our dramatic play area at the Centre and it helped to fill in some gaps of knowledge about firefighting. These fieldtrips encourage connections within our community, something that we value a great deal.
We set out on a very misty day crossing Blenkin park and through a fairly long (for little legs), but lovely trail. On our way we stopped to investigate a huge wall of dirt and a large hole created by a fallen tree.
Just when some of us felt like we couldn’t walk any longer, there it was the Quadra Island Firehall! We were warmly welcomed by Sharon, the fire chief, Rowan a firefighter volunteer and their friends.
We toured the various rooms of the fire station and laughed at the idea that firefighters also used cubbies! We practiced the safety procedure if our clothes ever caught on fire; ``Stop, Drop and Roll!``
We ate lunch in the meeting room then went on to investigate the firetruck (lights on but no siren). We were delighted to receive a gift bag to take home.